Norton Sound Outreach: Shishmaref

When : Saturday, June 13th - Sunday, June 20th

Where: Shishmaref, AK

Who: Men and women who are willing to work hard and use their talents to serve others.

What:  We are in need of men and women willing to serve as we reach out to the community by buildings and repairing village building and working with children doing a VBS outreach.

Costs:  $650 plus air fare to Nome and any villages visited ($360 MAX depending on village)  The cost includes the following:

  • Housing
  • Bedding
  • Food
  • Ground transportation
  • Assistance with materials and tools
  • Mission Equipping
  • Administration fee


Whom are you going to be serving alongside: Shishmaref is a new opportunity for us. We are working with the local church to help organize work projects to help individuals in the community with needed home repairs and on the church. We will be serving alongside a Native Elder who ministers to ladies and elders in the community as well as hosting VBS outreach through the church.

Our Vision: Our vision is to use our skills to serve the villagers of Shishmaref with the hopes of sharing Christ through our words and works. We also seek to build up the Church and encourage the local believers. We desire that team members create relationships that can continue to encourage and disciples even from thousands of miles away.