Our Story
Skilled Missions: Alaska exist to connect communities in rural Alaska with volunteer skilled laborers with the purpose of sharing Christ through service, evangelism, and discipleship; Building up the community of believers.
Core Values
To Connect
To Build-Up
Biblical Basis
"To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God” Ephesians 4:12
“God has chosen you to build His Holy House. Be Brave, Determined, and do it!” 1 Chronicles 28:10
Skilled Missions Focus
Build the local community through construction projects and home repair; to build up the body of Christian believers through church partnerships, encouragement, and prayer.
Teach the skills needed so the local community can help minister to one another; meeting each others needs and long term discipleship with the community of believers.
Connect volunteers and churches with a local community for the purpose of using their God given talents, gifts, and abilities to continue building up the body of Christ and building up the community