Group Fields marked with a * are required Church/Organization Name * Leaders Name * Address 1 * City * Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampsire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming State * Zip / Post Code * Phone * Email * Tok Basketball Camp Tok Construction Shishmaref Buckland Roofing/Construction Nome Outreach Golovin Gambell Outreach Which Project are you attending * Please fill out one form for each project your group will be attending. Yes No Will you be attending the Project * If No; Please Provide Leader Info Name, Number, and Email for the attending project leader Church's Lead Pastor Name * If Organization, please list name of CEO or Leader Phone Number of Pastor or Organization Leader * Estimated Group Size * Co-Ed Group Co-Ed Group with Teenagers All Male Group All Male with Teenagers What Type of Group * Doctrinal Agreement * Skilled Missions: Alaska is a Jesus Christ focused non-profit who works in partnership with the Alaska Baptist Convention (a member of the Southern Baptist Convention). We partner with like-minded Christians in rural Alaska as opportunity exists. We seek first to serve God and share the Gospel of Jesus, the only begotten, as the Way, Truth, and Light. Background Checks * All participants 18 and older at the date of their arrival in Alaska will complete the background check done through protect my ministry. Skilled Missions Code of Conduct * Download Code of Conduct